Third time's a charm - I met Pablo three times
across the span of 7 years before we dated. I first met Pablo in
an undergrad class - we worked on a group project together (I don't
think he really remembered this well - if at all).
The second time I met Pablo was really quite random. In New
York City of all places. I was in NYC for the summer for an
internship, and Pablo was commuting there for work. An intern
friend of mine took me to lunch with an intern friend of hers, at her
friend's client's cafeteria. Lo and behold, guess who I see
strolling across the floor, but none other than Pablo. So I
shouted in my indoor voice, "Pablo!" He sort of recognized me, but all
he could muster was a "Hey ... you..."
The last time we met was at work. By sheer coincidence, I ended
up joining the same small specialty group within the 1,000+ person
Houston office of Ernst & Young. But even then, we didn't date
until right after I left the firm, 2.5 years later for law school.
I got to know Pablo well when we worked on a few projects together
towards the end of my tenure with the firm. Pablo and I started jogging
together. I was in the middle of marathon training season, and Pablo
gave me the impression he worked out regularly. I knew it was love when
Pablo later confided in me that he hated running, he hadn’t jogged since
high school and that several of our morning runs nearly killed him - he
had come running with me just to get to spend more time with me.
Third time’s a charm. But, it certainly took long enough!
Also see:
bride and
groom and
our proposal