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   groomsmen info

Pablo's best man is Kyle Simson. Pablo has gotten to know Kyle and his wife Amy though the MBA program at The University of Texas at Austin. Besides being an all-around great guy, Kyle's got an "little" 90+ lb. dog named Potter who always has energy to chase just about anything Pablo throws. It should be noted that Kyle graduated from Texas A&M university and that I am not purposely repeating "The University of Texas at Austin" over and over again on the website to make him angry.


The groomsmen are:

Tommy Bush - Pablo knows Tommy from junior high school and high school in Houston. Tommy now lives the high life in San Francisco.


Will Kuhn - Just goes to show you that we accountants stick together. Will also graduated with an Accounting degree and a MBA from the University of Texas at Austin. Both Will and Pablo also had the good sense to leave public accounting before all of the corruption scandals broke. So neither of us had anything to do with Enron, Arthur Andersen, Adelphia or Global Crossing. Will now works with the Mergers & Acquisitions group at SBC Communications.


Charles Kuhn - It should be noted that Charles was the only one of the Kuhn's that did not have the good sense to go to the University of Texas at Austin, choosing instead to graduate from the University of South Carolina.